Isotonic glycerol-sodium hyaluronate drops relieve symptoms of Sjögren’s-related dry eye

Isotonic glycerol-sodium hyaluronate drops relieve symptoms of Sjögren’s-related dry eye

Three-month use of an eye drop containing isotonic glycerol and 0.015% sodium hyaluronate resulted in a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome-related dry eye, without the need for traditional anti-inflammatory agents and without significant improvement in the basal tear secretion.

Twenty-one adult patients, 18 women and three men, with a mean age of 60.4 years, were enrolled.

Study inclusion criteria was as follows: lid parallel conjunctival folds (LIPCOF) at least grade 1, lissamine green staining attaining at least grade 1, higher on the Oxford …

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